Comfrey - Symphytum x uplandicum 'Bocking 14' - €8 per plant
For Root Cuttings Click Here
Considered a super plant by many we find that Comfrey lives up to its name. The plant provides copious amounts of biomass, is high in potassium and makes excellent mulch for the garden. The healing properties of this herb are well renowned, making it an essential first aid plant. The beautiful flowers are much loved by bees and the plant provides excellent ground cover. We have the plant stationed underneath fruit trees where the deep tap root accumalates minerals from the sub soil and deposits them to the shallow tree roots via simple 'chop and drop' mulching. We have division and root cuttings from our plants on offer that can be planted out in the autumn. Comfrey can be invasive however our plants are hybrids developed in the UK to not spread by seed. To order this plant please contact us [email protected].
Needs, tolerances
Polyculture Potential
Known hazards
Functions, behaviours
Polyculture Partners - The Biomass Belt
If you would like this plant please send an email to [email protected] with your order.