Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare - €7 per plant
Fennel is an excellent perennial herb for the productive garden. The leaves make a refreshing nibble, are great in salads and teas and the stems and roots can be cooked like Asparagus spears. When the plant flowers it graces the garden with prolific yellow bloom much enjoyed by a host of pollinating insects. The blooms are followed by an abundance of seed that make a great addition to homemade breads and as flavouring in cuisine. Although Fennel is considered a poor companion plant due to its inhibitory effects on plants growing nearby, it is well renown for attracting beneficial insects and deterring pests and we feel that it more than earns its place in our garden. It needs a sunny position and will spread readily by seed the plants of which if unwanted provide a good quantity of biomass. We a offer seedlings and divisions. To order this plant please contact us [email protected].
Needs, tolerances
Known hazards
Functions, behaviours
If you would like this plant please send an email to [email protected] with your order.